In collaboration with Street Roots Newspaper the KBOO Evening News presents the first in a bymonthly series that will highlight key articles in the most current issue of Portland's only street advocacy newspaper.
This week: A new center for youth called FUEGO opens in southwest Portland;
A physician and biochemist talks about doctor complicity in the use of torture by U.S. Military intelligence. JOANNE ZUHL reports.
Northwest Constitutional Rights Center at 8:30 a.m will be coming to P:ear tomorrow for a legal training for Wednesday's sit-in against the Sit-Lie ordinance. Please come to this if you are going to the sit in. Know your rights before entering a ruff situation. Here is the address for P:ear (801 SW Alder St, Portland, 97205) kiddy corner from Portland Coffee House) And I just heard that the ACLU was part of Potter's committee that helped draft a new "sit-lie" rule. But they're now planning to testify against it Wednesday when it comes to council. woohoo
I've never figured out how to describe myself.
I work at Street Roots in Portland, Oregon. I love journalism and poetry and try to chip in my two cents.
I like clothes that clash, big trees, politics, sports and the wrong side of the tracks, mostly the people, not the mustard stains, roaches or prison cells. I sometimes spell things kind of funny and rant at times. You either get use to it, or you don't. Things have never came easy.
Northwest Constitutional Rights Center at 8:30 a.m will be coming to P:ear tomorrow for a legal training for Wednesday's sit-in against the Sit-Lie ordinance. Please come to this if you are going to the sit in. Know your rights before entering a ruff situation. Here is the address for P:ear (801 SW Alder St, Portland, 97205) kiddy corner from Portland Coffee House) And I just heard that the ACLU was part of Potter's committee that helped draft a new "sit-lie" rule. But they're now planning to testify against it Wednesday when it comes to council. woohoo
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